
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Goodbye Steve, We will miss you.

Yes, the news is true. Yesterday, October the 5th, 2011, the world lost one of it's most innovative members. Steve Jobs has passed away after a 9 year battle with cancer. He is said to have passed peacefully at his home on Wednesday. Steve was one of the greatest minds of our time. He was a great leader and an innovator of unmatched degree. As the driving force behind Apple, he set out to change the world. And that is exactly what he did.

Apple will continue on without him, but I expect that world changing force will be gone forever. That was Steve Jobs. His attention never wavering, he molded Apple and the world into his vision. His innovations pushed the Technological world and forged new technologies, not just for Apple, but in his competitors as well. I can only hope that without him, Apple will continue the path he set them upon.

Goodbye Steve, We will miss you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Where have I been?

Hello my iPadawans,
I am sure most of you figured I had abandoned this site, but that is not true. The last three months have been very hectic for me. I quit my job as an IT Consultant and focused on finishing up some projects and finding a new job for myself. During that time, I chose to step away from all of my online duties, so I could better focus on my future. Well, I can now say I have completed that and I will be getting back to the regular updates that you have all been looking for!

On a personal note, I now am employed as an Information Technology Infrastructure Administrator for the Tennessee Valley Authority. Who are they? The largest public power company in the US.. That is who! I am really excited to have this opportunity to work for such a great company and I look forward to a hopefully long future here. The down side, I will no longer be working with iOS on a professional level. But that does not mean I won't still be involved in the community and keeping up with the news. So I will be continuing to share with all of you, the latest and most important iOS news.

Most of my personal projects have been completed and it is time to move on there as well. What does that mean? Just that I have to get some new projects going to keep me busy.. In the near future I I'll be designing and building my own CNC Router and my own Digital Pinball Machine. Once I start those I I'll share a quick link on here for anyone who might be interested.

So in closing, exciting times are coming! We can expect the iPhone 4gS to hit shelves in the near future and we can expect to see the production release of iOS 5 soon.. Which I might add is simply amazing! So keep your eyes peeled, exciting stuff is coming!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

iPad 2 JailBroken!!!!

That's right folks! The iPad 2 has finally been jail broken. Http:// has released their 3.0 of their popular online jail break and this one will work on the iPad 2 4.33, as well as

iPad 1: 4.3 through 4.3.3
iPhone 3GS: 4.3 through 4.3.3
iPhone 4: 4.3 through 4.3.3
iPhone 4-CDMA: 4.2.6 through 4.2.8
iPod Touch 3g: 4.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.3
iPod Touch 4g: 4.3 through 4.3.3

All you do is go to from your device and follow the instructions! This exploit DOES exist in 5.0 as well, but Apple is sure to patch it before it's release. But for the time being, enjoy!!! I am sure they will find another exploit soon!

Randy Walker

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

iOS5 Beta is out!!!

That's right kiddos! The first Beta for iOS5 is out. With quite literally tons of new features! Which I will update you all on very soon! Unfortunately for most, iOS5 Beta like most other Apple Betas are only available to Apple Developers.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

U.S. Gov. Says ByeBye Blackberry, and Hello Apple!

Obama carries his iPad to the limo. Source whitehouse

Yes, this is Steve Job's dream come true!
The US Government has long had a strict Blackberry rule. If you used an Email enabled phone, it was a Blackberry. Why would the United States Government limit it's employee's to just one smartphone? Because of their Secure Messaging System. Blackberry promises some of the most secure mobile Email in the world. That coupled with 256 bit encryption on the phones at a hardware level, their Government model phones are extremely secure.

However, users can speak very loudly and in my experience, users want iPhones and they want Droids. In many cases employees will carry two phones. A Blackberry for work and an iPhone or a Droid for home. They like the interfaces and the apps. The availability of software to do almost anything you can imagine, is very alluring. But what about security? Well you can lock down iOS and Android devices through strict rules implemented by your administrator. Apple and Google both have been working very hard as of late on Active Directory integration with their devices, as have Microsoft.

This has been a rolling storm for a few months now, but it now is finally coming to a boil. RIM is losing it's long held grip in the U.S. Government.The Government is allowing other devices and they are predominately iPhones and iPads rolling in. The savings from this change should be immense, in the billions. A few Government offices are also planning to move their Email to "the cloud", using Google and Microsoft services. Blackberry still has the majority of the Government market, but you can expect that to change rapidly in the coming months. This will have a trickle down effect thru-out Big Business as well and you will continue to see RIMs numbers dwindle.

When Kundra, the U.S. Top Information Officer, was asked what he typically hears from workers about gov­ernment- or corporate-provided technology, Kundra replied, “It’s not a question of whether they don’t like it. They despise it.” He also said, “The line between work and home in terms of technology is beginning to blur.” So what is his answer? "Give it to them!" Let the workers use whatever device they want and apply very strict security settings.

Charlie Wolf, an analyst for Needham & Co is quoted as saying, “The best way I can describe BlackBerry is as a one-trick pony, The one trick was their secure messaging platform. Management has yet to understand that the world has changed. They didn’t understand that it was a software game going forward.” This is where Apple led the way and Google soon followed. With constantly advancing Operating Systems and ever evolving development platforms, The iOS and Android devices have dominated the market. Apple has the market majority for the time being, but I personally see the Government population of devices being close to 50/50 in 2 years. With Blackberry only having a very limited showing. This is based off what I have seen in the lower end of the spectrum.

Welcome to the "Federal Government 2.0" One with a plan to embrace new technology.

Source: Washington Post
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad 2

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Quixey App Search

You may have noticed that I added a new feature to the right side of the blog. The Quixey App Search box. What is it? Well that is easy, Quixey is a new service to help find the Apps you want and weed out all the junk you do not want. How do they do that?They let you search by "Conversational" terms. What that means is, instead of searching for say... "Office App" and getting results for all kinds of items, you can search for "Create a Spreadsheet" and get results that will allow you to create a spreadsheet! Seems simple enough huh?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The End of Blackberry?

First of all, As you guys know I do not usually cut, copy and paste and article from another source into my blog. However, today's piece is an exception. It is so well written and informative that I just cannot help but paste it word for word and link for link... So I have quoted the original article from InfoWorld and Galen Gruman below.

I hate to kick someone when they're down, but since the wounds are self-inflicted, I'll get over it in this case. Yesterday at its BlackBerry World show, Research in Motion co-CEO Jim Balsillie demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that the BlackBerry is dead. For the last few years, I've marveled in a horrified way as the once-top smartphone creator dug itself deeper into a pit of denial about the changes in the mobile market. It's hard for a company to adjust to a new reality, especially after a decade of success that bred complacency. But RIM isn't even trying any more.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Apple to release iPhone 4S in September.. NOT iPhone 5!

Forbes is reporting that Apple will NOT be releasing an iPhone 5 in September. Instead, it will be the iPhone 4S. And with it's roll out, Sprint, T-Mobile and China Mobile will likely be getting the iPhone 4S.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why is there STILL no iPad 2 Jailbreak?

So like many of you, I have been patiently and anxiously awaiting the Jailbreak for the iPad 2. All the iPhones have new Jailbreaks, even the original iPad does. So why doesn't the iPad 2?
Digitimes reports that three employees from the Taiwan-based Foxconn Electronics plants in Shenzhen China, have been charged with leaking iPad 2's design to outside accessory companies in China. This is according to a Chinese report on 
They are suspected of leaking the design of the iPad 2 to the public, therefor allowing some online retailers to design and have for sale, iPad 2 cases, prior to hit hitting the market. As we all know, Apple does not like it when you take the cover off their cake. So these three were arrested on December 26th of 2010 and apparently were only officially charged for violating the company's trade secrets on March 23 of this year, 2011
First of all, leaking pictures of a product that YOU manufacturer.... Bad idea. It WILL come back to YOU! I mean really, what exactly did they think would happen? No company likes to have their secrets let out.... Least of all Apple!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where is the News???

As I am sure you have noticed, I have not been posting very much lately.
There is a very very good reason for that. I have been extremely busy interviewing for a new job. So as of May the 9th, I will no longer be an IT Consultant. Instead I will be the IT Manager for a Manufacturer of Heavy Machinery!!!

I will get back on track with the news and updated very soon!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Flash is coming to iOS!!

The Apple Adobe war looks like it is finally coming to an end and Adobe is the one who caved. Since the beginning, Apple has been adamant about not allowing Flash onto the iOS devices. Why? Well because Flash Is a memory hog!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

iOS 4.3.2 is Out!

Today Apple has released the latest in it's incremental updated for the 4th Generation iOS platform. According to Apple, this patch offers some minor bugs fixes and security patches. However, it looks like the majority of the reason for the patch, may very well have been to patch up the most recently released security hole that was allowing the untethered Jail Break.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

iPad 2 Jailbreak is on it's way!!!

That's right! Joshua Hill from the DevTeam Also known as @p0sixninja on Twitter has said that "Since 4.3.1 has already been exploited by @ion1c, we're working on finishing the iPad 2 Jailbreak now"

That's right folks! It is just a matter of time and the jailbreak for the iPad 2 will be released. Most likely as an update to Greenpois0n. So for all those who have been waiting, the wait is almost over!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tic Tac BLAM!! Explosive Take on an Old Classic!

Not too long ago, an acquaintance of mine mentioned that he had just released his first iPhone app. So obviously I just HAD to check it out! And for $.99 I can certainly say I got my monies worth! When I got to the app store and realized it was a Tic Tac Toe clone, I will admit, I was a little less than enthused. However, once I downloaded it, all of that changed!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The iPhone Swirley

Oh NO!!!!! It happens every single day. Someone goes to answer their iPhone while in the bathroom and losses their grip... *SPLOSH* the iPhone lands in some very dirty water. This very scenario just happened to one of my clients. It always is a gut wrenching feeling, watching your shiny new iPhone quickly sink to the bottom of the porcelain bowl, as it still rings, low muffled tones from beneath the murky and questionable water.

So what do you do when this happens?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

No iPhone 5 until 2012?

That's right! You heard it here first! Reports are coming in that there will be no iPhone 5 until early in 2012. Why is that you ask? And where do these rumors come from? Well they are based on several pieces on information that have bed coming down the pipe the last couple of days.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

JustStickIt. We've got Your back!

While the SmartCover is a really neat and minimalistic approach to protecting the iPad 2, it leaves the back completely vulnerable to scratches and dings. I was looking for something to protect the iPad 2 from daily use. I carry mine around everywhere I go. As such, I often set it down on various surfaces and one thing I learned from my Original iPad, is they scratch fairly easy. I wanted something to protect the edge, when I have it propped up with the smart cover, something that would protect the back from scratches and not interfere with the SmartCover. I found lots of options, most of them are all similar. Usually they are laser or die cut from 3M Di-Noc Vinyl. So with that in mind, I looked for the best value and a vinyl look I wanted. That led me to JustStickIt, on Ebay.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wife Says No, But Apple Says YES!!

Apple has been paying extra close attention to any iPad 2's that happen to get returned. What are they looking for? Well, they are checking for any possible manufacturing issues that may or may not exist. For example, the light leakage that some users are experiencing. This way Apple can address these issues as/if they are discovered.There is a rumor of an event at Apple, that is really just too good not to share. I do not know if this is true or not, but....

Apparently Apple came across an iPad 2 that had been returned. When they went to inspect the unit for flaws, they found a yellow Post-It Note that said, "Wife Says No!" Well apparently it was escalated as something funny and a couple of executives heard about it. They decided to send him a free one back, with a note that says...
"Apple Says Yes!"

Buying the iPad 2? What to do with your iPad 1?

So you bought the new iPad 2, but now you are not sure what to do with your Original iPad? Well, there happens to be a GREAT Cause that can use your old iPads. The HollyRod foundation is accepting donations of iPads, to give out to Families in need, with Autistic children. This is a wonderful program, with the ability to affect so many lives in a positive manner. I do not generally promote charities, but this one touches close to home for me and I feel it is a very worthy cause.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

iPhone 4 + iPad 2 + iMovie = Breaking News Footage

In what can only be seen as 100% proof that the iPhone 4 and the iPad 2 are nothing short of amazing... Robert Stephens, who happens to be the Co-founder of Geek Squad, saw a massive fireball on his way to work. Robert, being a quick thinker and a lover of his iDevices, whipped out his iPhone 4 and began to record the fireball as he drover closer to the site, to see if anyone had called 911.

Stephens then drove to a parking lot nearby, used the Camera connection kit, to transfer the videos from his iPhone 4, to his iPad 2. Once he had the videos on his iPad 2, he opened them up in iMovie, cut and spliced them together, added a voice over, subtitles and even a map of the location!! This is the Video below...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Push for Google Mail Accounts?

If you are like me, then you have a Gmail account. Heck, if you are REALLY like me, then you have several! I use Gmail and Google apps, for several of my email accounts and domains. I have the more important of these on my iPad and my iPhone. It has often been annoying to me that I could not set my Gmail accounts to push. Instead the best I could do was to have it check every 15 minutes. Especially since a lot of my emails are time sensitive. A good example would be a power supply failure alert on a rack mount server across town. But now there is a way to solve this! And no, it does not require any money or Apps.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Apple and How They Helped Locally in the Earthquake

This most recent series of disasters in Japan has all of us reeling, wondering what will happen next. First the country of Japan is rocked by a Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake. The Earthquake was so massive that it literally moved the coastline of Japan some 8 feet! Some of the out laying islands have been moved as much as 60 feet! All of this resulted in the Earth tilting 4 more inches on her axis. As if the Earthquake was not enough, a tsunami nearly 30 feet tall, washed over several coastal towns of Japan, utterly devastating them.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Comex Does it again! Jail Breaks iPad 2 in 2 Days!

That right folks!!! We knew this would happen, but never expected it so soon! Comex tweeted just an hour ago this picture, of Cydia running on an nice new white iPad 2!!

The jail break has not been packaged for the public yet. It also still has to be tested out. But you can expect it VERY soon!!!! It will be nice to have all my lovely little Cydia tweaks back in place!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

iPad 2, the First 12 Hours

So I have had the opportunity to spend a little time with the new iPad 2 and these are my thoughts on Apple's newest incarnation of the market dominating, iPad.

First of all, the device itself. The new iPad 2, as you likely know is thinner and lighter. The shape of it now, is more akin to a MacBook Air. It's edges are smooth and curved like the Air, not Flat sided or capsule shaped like the original iPad. It is also notably lighter than the original. The touch interface and screen have not changed, which to me is a nice bonus. I love the current iPad screen.

The iPad 2 also has two cameras on it now. A rear facing one and a front facing one. Both can be used in FaceTime and various other apps for video chat. The rear facing camera will also take HD video. Neither camera is as good as the camera on the iPhone 4, which is a little bit of a let down, but you can't win them all.

The heart of the beast has been increased drastically, viaApple's new dual core A5 CPU and a boost in RAM to 512 MB. Surfing the web, or any other media on the new iPad 2, is considerably faster than on the original. Web pages load in 2-5 seconds most of the time, from my experience. Netflix is up a hair faster, but loads the movie a lot quicker. Switching from task to task is smoother and the entire experience just feels snappier. Even typing on the new iPad 2 seems to be more responsive.

Battery life does seem to be just as good as it was, even with all the new speed it has. I very much look forward to some iPad 2 specific apps that will take advantage of the iPad2's new features and speed. And as always, I will be sure to keep you informed of my findings!

Enjoy and if you haven't already, go buy yourself an IPad 2!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad 2

Friday, March 11, 2011

My first entry on the iPad 2

Hello out there in Apple Land! I am coming to you using the Blogger app on my brand new iPad 2! I have only just sync'd it and got my accounts setup. So I cannot tell you much about them yet, but I can tell you it is a lot faster than the first model!

It feels more responsive, even when typing. I am not 100% sold on the "smart covers" though. I bought the Orange Polycarbonate model. I felt I needed something for starters, but did not want to spend too much.. As I will be buying something else when the aftermarket stuff starts to drop. The cover apple sells, only covers the screen and leaves the back of your precious iPad vulnerable to dings and scratches.

I was going to buy an invisible shield for it, but they do not yet have one out for the back of the new iPad 2. So for the meantime, I will just have to be extra careful with it!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad 2

Quick Post from the line at Best Buy

I got to Best Buy to get my iPad at 3 pm, looks like I am tenth in line! We have no idea how many iPad 2's that this store has gotten, they are not allowed to say. All we know is they have all 18 models and will come get us at 5.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

iPads Pave the Way for Autism Breakthroughs

Autism affects 1 in every 110 children that are born today. With such increasingly high numbers of cases, it is more and more important that we find ways to assist those affected with Autism to be able to better communicate with the world. And that is exactly what Doctors and Teachers have done with the iPad!

In today's every increasing technological world, the iPad is standing out as a hero to some parents of Autistic children. Teachers and Doctors have found that Autistic children are naturally drawn to the iPad. They believe it is the familiarity on knowing exactly what to expect when they touch and click on the iPad. While they are generally frustrated by their lack of ability to anticipate human reactions, they know exactly what to expect when they slide a finger across the iPad's 10 inch screen. Even the act of drawing on the iPad is less frustrating, as they are able to handle the iPad a lot easier than they can a crayon or pencil.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Samsung VP Calls Their Galaxy Tablet Inadequate

According to Yonhap news agency, Lee Don-joo, Executive Vice President of Samsung's mobile division, has been quoted as saying that their Galaxy tablet is "inadequate" in the wake of the newly announced iPad 2. He wants the company to make the Galaxy thinner and better for the same price as the iPad.

Currently, a Galaxy 7 inch tablet will cost you $900 without a two year contract. Whereas Apple's most expensive iPad is $829 and 10 inches. Samsung has yet to announce pricing for their 10.1 inch Galaxy.. But it is safe to assume it will cost more than the 7 inch model. Samsung has a long way to go if they plan to be on comparable price scale with the iPads, which start out at $399 for first generation iPads and $499 for second generation models.

Best Buy to Give Employees iPads??

That's right folks! Word from Forbes is that one of the major U.S. retailers, which is presumed to be Best Buy, is planning to supply it's "Connected World" sales staff with iPads! The hopes of management, is that this move will help sell both the employees and the customers, on their "Connected World" concept.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The iPad 2 is Here!!

On Wednesday, Apple unveiled it's second generation tablet, the "iPad 2"! The new model is thinner, faster, more innovative and has two cameras just as we had suspected. And it ships on March 11th!

The iPad 2 comes packed with a dual core A5 processor running at 1 Ghz. It weighs 1.3 pounds, compared to the original iPad that weighs 1.5 pounds. The new iPad w is also thinner. It is just 8.8mm think, which is even thinner than the iPhone 4! It has front and rear cameras, both capable of taking pictures or movies.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Don't Panic!" A new animated Wallpaper for iPhones

*Click the image to the right to see the animation*

Along the same lines as the animated boot logo for jail broken iPhone's that I mentioned last week.. I have made a version to use as your wallpaper on your iPhones, you iPod touches.. However, for it to be animated, you will have to be jail broken.

The reason being, Apple does not let you use an animated Gif file as a background. It will display it, but will not animate it. The end result is, you background is the first frame of the Gif file. When you phone is jail broken however, we are able to use an HTML file as the wallpaper... and let that HTML file call and open the Gif.

Too complicated? No worries. If your phone IS jail broken, you can open up Cydia and search for "dont panic wall" you will find it. If you are not jail broken, all is not lost! You can still use one of the non animated versions of this image if you want. I have a few over at Deviant Art.

At the time of posting, the package has not made it onto the Cydia servers yet. Give it until tomorrow.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Verizon States: LTE iPhone is coming and iPhone Launch, Biggest Ever

Verizon Wireless's Chief Executive, Daniel Mead, spoke with the Wall Street Journal recently. In this interview, Mr. Mead takes a moment to refute the claims in the media, that Verizon's iPhone 4 launch, was less that they had expected. These reports come from the observation that Verizon did not encounter incredibly long lines of people on launch day to purchase the iPhone 4.

Daniel Mead countered this by stating, the short lines were a result of an "intentional strategy aimed at spreading out the purchasing activity." Mead pointed out that unlike AT&T, their web servers did not melt down and force everyone to visit a retail store. Instead they had a 3 stage launch, which efficiently distributed the phones to the masses in stages.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

March the 2nd! Mark it on your iCals!!! The iPad 2 is coming!

That's right folks! You have all heard the rumors, well today Apple confirmed them by sending out invites to the media for a March 2nd iPad 2 unveiling! The web went into a flutter yesterday with rumors of the March 2nd launch date for the iPad. Which was promptly followed by a bevy of rumors, that stated the iPad 2 and iPhone 5 would be delayed by as much as 3 months. This was confirmed today to not be the case.

The event will be taking place at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts at 10:00 am, in San Fransisco. Our friends at Loop will be there live blogging the event. I will fill you in with any info as I get it!

With my birthday right around the same time... I know what I am getting!! What a first quarter this will be for me... Got the new Verizon iPhone and now the New iPad 2!

Source and image: Loop

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

iPads selling out! iPad2 is coming!

As we all know by this point, when Apple intends to release a new product, they stop stocking it in their stores.
Much like they are currently doing with their MacBook Pro's, the iPads are running out of stock quickly around the world!

The first to report being out of stock was Carphone Warehouse in the UK. They are completely out of the 3G models and now sold out of the 64GB WiFi model. In Canada, Futureshop is sold out! Here, Ingram Micro is sold out! These are all really big retailers, not small mom and pops that Apple would let run low.

I believe it is safe to say, we are less than 2 weeks from an announcement of the iPad2!!! So if you are planning to buy an iPad right now, unless you get a REALLY good deal, like the 3G iPads that are being sold in the UK by various Carriers for just £99! Yep... Definitely something is coming!!!

Keep your eyes peeled.. The new MacBook Pro is coming likely next week... And the iPad2, soon after!

Source AppleInsider

Friday, February 18, 2011

Don't Panic Animated Boot Logo

Yesterday I made and released an animated boot logo for the iPhone 4. In order to use this, you MUST be jailbroken and you must have animate installed. Once installed, reboot your iphone and you will see your Apple, transform into the "Don't Panic" Smiley from "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Universe" by Douglas Adams.

Version 1.1 of my animated boot logo is already uploaded and awaiting approval. The animation is smoother, longer and has better color in the new version.

So go download greenpois0n, JB your iPhone and check this out at

Thursday, February 17, 2011

iPhone 4, Wins Best Mobile Device!

I received an invitation for the Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona. However, due to work, I was unable to attend. But that does not stop me from reporting the news from there to you. Especially when that news is Apple related!

The Mobile World Congress is a trade show geared towards mobile devices, much like CES

Saturday, February 12, 2011

iPad2 Coming Soon.. iPad3 Right Behind?? Not Likely..

By this point, we have likely all heard the rumors. The ones that say Apple will release an iPad 2 AND an iPad 3 this year. This is obviously outside of apple's Standard Operating Procedure of An update every 12 months or so. Nor does it really make sense from a marketing point of view. I mean, would you buy a 2011 Corvette, if the 2011.5 Corvette was going to be redesigned with more Horsepower? Nope.

App Review: Google Translate Saves the Day!

If you are like me, you speak only one language well. You may be able to muddle through a couple others, but English is the only fluent language you have. Well, in today's modern world of interconnected communities, English alone is just not enough! In my town, we have a very large Spanish speaking community. I even have several Spanish speaking clients. Which often times makes communication a little difficult for my clients and I.

Enter Google Translate.

ZaggMate iPad Keyboard: A Review

My wife had mentioned to me,, that if the iPad had a keyboard she would likely not need a laptop anymore. So I took the opportunity to purchase her a ZaggMate iPad keyboard for $99 at Best Buy
After letting her play with it for a while, I borrowed it from her, so I could give you my honest impressions with the unit.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Verizon and the iPhone: First Impressions

Early on Tuesday the 10th, I received my very own Verizon iPhone. FedEx diligently brought it right to my door, where my wife collected it and in turn, promptly called to give me the good news. I took off for home and collected my new phone. Getting it up and activated, was of coarse a breeze. Just plug it into your iTunes and wait a moment. Within moments of activating it, my text messages started flowing in. That familiar SMS app sure is a nice treat, after using a LG EvoTouch for the last year.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Georgia to Consider iPads in lieu of Text Books

Yesterday, Tommie Williams, The Senate President pro tem announced that State Educators and legislators are considering an offer made to them by Apple last week, that would put iPads in the classrooms of middle schools thru out Georgia instead of books.

Mr Williams is quoted as saying,

“Last week we met with Apple Computers, and they have a really promising program where they come in and their recommending to middle schools – for $500 per child per year, they will furnish every child with an iPad, wi-fi the system, provide all the books on the system, all the upgrades, all the teacher training – and the results they’re getting from these kids is phenomenal.”

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I got mine!

I got my Verizon iPhone order!!! Did you get yours? Verizon says it will be shipped by 2/09/11!!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Verizon Asking Employees Not to Buy iPhone yet.

Verizon has sent out a memo Asking all of their employees and the families of their employees, to please not buy the iPhone until they have met with customer demand for the device on their network.

In a recent email sent to their employees, Verizon said the following....

"Focus on Customer Is Key to Verizon iPhone Launch. To help ensure we meet customer demand for iPhones, Verizon is urging employees and their families to postpone purchases of the popular smartphone, whether online or in retail stores, for the time being."

“Customers and non-customers alike have waited for years to see this product on America’s most reliable wireless network,” notes Verizon Wireless Chief Operating Officer John Stratton. “Demand will be unprecedented.

“Now it’s here. This is our chance to show those millions of people what it means to be a Verizon customer — providing them the best network, joined by the very best customer service and support, all adding up to a world-class customer experience.

“Part of that experience is ensuring we’re able to meet our customers’ needs in the midst of what will surely be unprecedented customer demand.

“I know customers aren’t the only ones who are excited – employees are, too. While I share your excitement, over the coming weeks we all need to do our part to meet our customers’ needs — this means putting our customers first.

“After all, that’s the way we do business. That’s the Verizon Credo in action.

“This is an historic moment in time to rally together and show our loyal customers and new ones what our culture is all about.”

Personally, after the run around I have been given by Verizon today, I am HAPPY to see they are at least trying to make sure the iPhones are available for their customers first.

Source TIPB

A look at Business Apps: LockInfo

As I have mentioned before, a big part of my job the last four years, has been to find new and innovative ways to incorporate iPhones and iPads into Microsoft Exchange environments. Most of my users are accustomed to Blackberries and they expect their iPhones to behave in the same manner. One of the largest complaints I received from my users early on was, there was no way to see your email and calendar at a glance. So being the good little Consultant that I am, I went in search of an answer. What I found, is nothing short of amazing!

First I would like to say, Apple made a HUGE mistake when they chose to not allow Apps and Developers to use the lock screen. The lock screen can do so much more and SHOULD do more. But nope. It just sits there with a clock on it and a pretty background. If you have an iPad, the problem is exacerbated by the fact that you have a HUGE chunk of prime grade A digital real estate sitting right there.. And what is on display? Your geeky Star Trek background and a clock. Well no more! This app changes all of that! And how do they do it, when Apple strictly forbids this type of behavior? Why they sell it on Cydia, that is how. Cydia is the Jail Broken App store, filled with themes and all manner of Apps that Apple would not allow onto the App Store. So first things first, you gotta Jailbreak your iDevice.

Once that is done, head on over to Cydia and buy LockInfo It is a steal at twice the price! Lockinfo allows you to display all kinds of information on your lock screen. For example, you can display you calendar, mail, text messages and missed calls on it right out of the box. That's not enough for you? Want to display the Weather or any other bit of info? No problem! LockInfo has a plugin system and people are all the time developing new plugins for all your favorite apps. I now run LockInfo on my iPad and just love it! It has never been easier to see if I have anything pending, or an important email has come it. I highly recommend this to everyone!

I was going to write you up a tutorial on how to install and use it, but iClarified has already beaten me to it and done a very nice job at that! So click this link and check it out!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Latest iPad2 Rumors? Thinner, More Ram, Anti-Reflective Screen?

That's right folks! The latest batch of rumors are out about the iPad2. An analyst from Concord Securities is claiming to have knowledge about the next model of the iPad. AppleInsider has reported that Ming-Chi Kuo, has stated the iPad2 will NOT have the retina display. This fits in with other reports I have been reading that the Retina display is actually slated for iPad3. He has also stated that as previously mentioned on this blog, the iPad2 WILL have the Cortex 1.2 Ghz A9 Dual Core Processor in it, as well

Sunday, January 30, 2011

U-Socket is the Coolest Gadget at MacExpo!!

The coolest gadget I have seen reported from MacExpo thus far, is the U-Socket made by FastMac. This little wonder adds USB ports along side your standard 120 AC plugs, so you can plug your devices directly into the wall with no adapters.

These plugs are currently priced at $22.95 and $25.95 each, depending on which of the two current models you want. The model pictured to the right is the Ace, they also have a model called Decora Ace, Which is more squared. When prices come down to being more in line with standard wall plugs, I will be replacing nearly every plug in my house with ones like this!

Source MacWorld

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Moving from ATT to Verizon? They will buy your iPhone!

Are you one of the expected Millions who will be moving from ATT to Verizon in the coming weeks? Then you may just be in luck!! Verizon announced through an email to some of their corporate customers, that you will be able to trade in your old ATT iPhones for a credit towards a shiny new Verizon iPhone.

Verizon has said they will pay $60 for a 16GB iPhone 2G, $105 for a 16GB iPhone 3G, $160 for a 32GB iPhone 3GS, $280 for a 16GB iPhone 4, and $360 for a 32GB iPhone 4.

The iPhones will be available in limited numbers to early customers on February 3rd. This is however a VERY limited number. So only a very few of us will get them. The rest of us will have to wait until the official launch on the 10th. It is still unknown if Verizon will actually have enough iPhones on the actual launch day to meet the demand.

Source Mac Rumors

iPad Magazine, The Daily to Launch Feb 2nd..???

Will February the 2nd really be the day? We will just have to wait and see. Rupert Murdoch's newest venture in News is his newspaper slated and targets at tablet computers is supposed to launch on Groundhog's day. The Daily was announced in Late November, as a newspaper specifically designed for the iPad. Several times recently a release date has been announced, only to later be put on hold again. The supposed reason for the delays have been Apple's subscription model that they are adding into iTunes. 

Will this magazine be worth all of the hype it has been receiving? I highly doubt it. But hopefully it will usher in a new era of Digital Media for the iPad.

Source cnet

Monday, January 24, 2011

Meet Apple's New Global Head of Security

Meet the new head of Apple's Global Security... David Rice. Mr Rice will be responsible for getting the iPhones and iPads up to snuff in Security. Apple is pushing them hard at Corporations and Government. However, they have expressed concerns over the devices security. Namely the lack of encryption and lack of options as to how to deal with a lost or stolen unit. These are problems that have kept the iPhone from seeing a large scale roll out across many large corporations. Many of my own clients have balked at using them for the very same reasons.  This is one area where the Blackberry is still king. But not for long.....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

XBMC ported to AppleTV, iPad and other iDevices

Today is a joyous day indeed! The number one Media Center software suite has been ported to iDevices!! XBMC, or Xbox Media Center, as it was originally called, is in this blogger's opinion the best Media Center money can buy... And it is Free!!! This will be especially great on the AppleTV. It will make it the best $99 media computer you can buy!


As for how does it perform? Well, this is just the first version. With that said, it runs sluggish on my iPad and has some issues over all with functionality. I was unable to get it to connect to our media server, so I could play content across our network. However, knowing the XBMC team, this will just be a matter of time before it is working perfectly! It needs some polishing to work on the current A4 chips without all the lagging. I would recommend that you wait a couple of revisions before you actually try this out for mainstream usage. But if you want to see a great and mostly functional proof of concept, then hop on Cydia and give it a test!

Yes, that is right.. you DO have to be jail broken to enjoy this little morsel. However, as simple as it is to do anymore, why wouldn't you be jail broken?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Steve Jobs to Take Medical Leave

Apple sent an email to all of their employees on Monday, in which Steve Jobs is quoted as saying the following..

At my request, the board of directors has granted me a medical leave of absence so I can focus on my health. I will continue as CEO and be involved in major strategic decisions for the company.

I have asked Tim Cook to be responsible for all of Apple’s day to day operations. I have great confidence that Tim and the rest of the executive management team will do a terrific job executing the exciting plans we have in place for 2011.

I love Apple so much and hope to be back as soon as I can. In the meantime, my family and I would deeply appreciate respect for our privacy.

Tim Cook held the reigns of the Company in 2009 during Steve's last Medical Leave and will do so again. Steve Jobs was out in 2009 for a Liver Transplant and the out in 2004 with Pancreatic Cancer. We wish Steve all the best and hope he has a speedy recovery!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Driver Bundle Discovered in iOS 4.3 Beta

A recent discovery in the newest iOS beta has shown us yet another glimpse of the future to come! The driver bundle discovered is for the PowerVR SGX543, the smallest OpenCL-capable graphics core. This chip is not used in any of the current iDevices, so it is reasonably safe to assume that it will be in the next generation of iDevices, starting with the iPad2. The current GPU used with the A4 CPU in current gen iDevices is the PowerVR SGX535. The SGX543 would give the iDevices performance on par with current notebooks!

This is exciting news indeed!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

iOS 4.3 Beta reveals a glimpse of the Future for iDevices

We have a big update for all of you today! Some exciting stuff is coming down the lines!

On January the 12th of 2011, iOS 4.3 Beta was pushed out to developers. As usual, the developers wasted no time dissecting  the beta to find all the new hidden features that it had to share.  In a matter of hours, the developer community had found several new and interesting features in the newest iOS beta to be released. The newest beta also holds clues as to possible future hardware feature, a new MobileMe feature and shows evidence of future hardware revisions for both the iPhone and the iPad.

So what are all these new features? Find out after the jump!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

CDMA iPad to follow the Verizon iPhone

Hot on the heels of Verizon's announcement about the iPhone is even more Apple and Verizon goodness. Lost in the sea of comments and news about the Verizon iPhone, was this little bit of information. It is the natural next step that most of us in the industry expected to see. What else would you expect from a relationship with Verizon and Apple?

That's right! A CDMA iPad! In an interview yesterday in New York, Verizon Communications, Inc. CFO Franicis Shammo said that the company has plans to sell a version of the iPad that can connect directly to their wireless network. It is expected that the release of the iPad2 will come in three flavors. A WiFi only model, a GSM model and a CDMA model.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The iPhone has Landed!!

Just a quick note, Verizon has announced the iPhone for their network. The iPhone will cost a few dollars more to buy.. About $10 more than with AT&T. The only difference between the ATT and Verizon iPhone is the Verizon phone will include an app so you can use the phone like a portal wifi hotspot.

Existing Verizon customers I'll be able to pre-order the iPhone on the Verizon website starting Feb. 3rd, for an estimated delivery on the 5th-11th. Stores will begin to have it in stock at the end of Feburary.

- Posted from my iPad

Monday, January 10, 2011


Confirmed by my own Verizon source!! Tomorrow Is indeed the day! Tomorrow they will be announcing the Verizon iPhone! And I am on the list for the first batch to hit our town!

New iPad2 cases at CES confirm rumors

At this year's CES, there has been no shortage of iPad accessories. However, the ones that are catching the attention of everyone this year, are the new cases for the as of yet, unannounced, iPad2! The cases on display at CES all seem to prove a few theories about the upcoming iPad refresh. Surely all the different case manufacturers are not basing their new designs, solely on rumor and Internet pipe dreams.. Take a look at this photo from one such manufacturer, Y-Case. More after the jump...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

To Jailbreak, or Not to Jailbreak?

There has been a lot of talk about Jailbreaking your iDevices in the news. And most of it bad. It is unfortunate that Jailbreaking has been given such a bad name. Apple and Mainstream Media, would have you believe that if you Jailbreak your iDevice you will A. make yourself susceptible to Viruses and Hackers and B. Only those who pirate software jailbreak. Apple does not want you to "root" your device. They do not want you to be able to choose how your device should act, or look, or what software you can run. Congress, has recently decided that Jailbreaking is not illegal. However, I would still restore your iDevice to original before you send it in for service. As for why would you want to? More on that after the jump.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

1-11-11 @ 11

So, Verizon has a big announcement coming on 1/11/11 at 11 AM. Sources "close to Verizon" are being quoted by the Wall Street Journal that this is it.. The iPhone is finally here. After months and months of rumors floating around the Internet, hopefully Tuesday will be the day. Many of us in the tech industry have been anxiously awaiting for anyone other than AT&T to carry the iPhone in the US.

We have all heard the rumors about the million plus CDMA iPhones that have supposedly been shipped to 1 infinity way. So with a little luck, we will all be getting new iPhones next week!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

iPads in Business Part 1

I thought that we would take a look at some of the best
apps I have found for use in a Business environment. We all know
that the iPad is an amazing and very entertaining device. But what
most folks do not realize, is that with a few simple and often
cheap apps, you can pretty much leave the laptop at home. Over the
last year, I have come across some very interesting apps and today
I want to share them with you… Let’s start off today with one of
my Favorites, Evernote.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome to iPadawan!

Hello fellow Netizens,
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Randy walker, an IT Consultant\Network Administrator for several medium sized businesses. But what makes me an iPad Ninja? Well that is a good question.  I have spent the last 4 years of my life, incorporating iPhones and iPads into Business and Exchange environments. I had one of the first iPhone 3G’s in Canada and then bought the iPad the moment it hit the shelves in Tennessee.
Ever since the day i got my first iPhone, I have been hooked. Soaking up every ounce of knowledge I could come across, about these little wonders.  I was always trying to figure out ways that these could make my clients lives easier. Or new ways I could have fun with them. And then, along came the iPad…..
And that brought us to here!