
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

No iPhone 5 until 2012?

That's right! You heard it here first! Reports are coming in that there will be no iPhone 5 until early in 2012. Why is that you ask? And where do these rumors come from? Well they are based on several pieces on information that have bed coming down the pipe the last couple of days.

Apple will be holding the World Wide Developers Conference from June 6th til the 10th. However, they have stated that there are NO hardware announcements this time. This WWDC will be focused on software, like OSX Lion and IOS 5. Also, we have been hearing from A Japanese blog, who is general in the know.. Macotakara, that due to the fact that manufacturing for the iPhone 5 components has not begun, it is highly unlikely that the iPhone 5 will ship before the end of the fiscal year 2011, which is September. They go on to say that it is likely that the iPhone 5 will ship close to the beginning of 2012.

A late 2011 launch or early 2012 launch would actually fit with the current happenings in Apple, a lot more than a June release. The later release would give Apple the time that they need to complete their LTE model of the iPhone 5, for Verizon's 4G network. Earlier, the rumors seemed to suggest that Apple would release the iPhone 5 for GSM in June and the LTE iPhone 5 at the end of the year. However, today's news makes a lot more sense.

So keep your chins up, the iPhone 5 is coming, just a little later than we had expected.
However, IOS 5 is slated for an early fall release!

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