
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Where have I been?

Hello my iPadawans,
I am sure most of you figured I had abandoned this site, but that is not true. The last three months have been very hectic for me. I quit my job as an IT Consultant and focused on finishing up some projects and finding a new job for myself. During that time, I chose to step away from all of my online duties, so I could better focus on my future. Well, I can now say I have completed that and I will be getting back to the regular updates that you have all been looking for!

On a personal note, I now am employed as an Information Technology Infrastructure Administrator for the Tennessee Valley Authority. Who are they? The largest public power company in the US.. That is who! I am really excited to have this opportunity to work for such a great company and I look forward to a hopefully long future here. The down side, I will no longer be working with iOS on a professional level. But that does not mean I won't still be involved in the community and keeping up with the news. So I will be continuing to share with all of you, the latest and most important iOS news.

Most of my personal projects have been completed and it is time to move on there as well. What does that mean? Just that I have to get some new projects going to keep me busy.. In the near future I I'll be designing and building my own CNC Router and my own Digital Pinball Machine. Once I start those I I'll share a quick link on here for anyone who might be interested.

So in closing, exciting times are coming! We can expect the iPhone 4gS to hit shelves in the near future and we can expect to see the production release of iOS 5 soon.. Which I might add is simply amazing! So keep your eyes peeled, exciting stuff is coming!