
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where is the News???

As I am sure you have noticed, I have not been posting very much lately.
There is a very very good reason for that. I have been extremely busy interviewing for a new job. So as of May the 9th, I will no longer be an IT Consultant. Instead I will be the IT Manager for a Manufacturer of Heavy Machinery!!!

I will get back on track with the news and updated very soon!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Flash is coming to iOS!!

The Apple Adobe war looks like it is finally coming to an end and Adobe is the one who caved. Since the beginning, Apple has been adamant about not allowing Flash onto the iOS devices. Why? Well because Flash Is a memory hog!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

iOS 4.3.2 is Out!

Today Apple has released the latest in it's incremental updated for the 4th Generation iOS platform. According to Apple, this patch offers some minor bugs fixes and security patches. However, it looks like the majority of the reason for the patch, may very well have been to patch up the most recently released security hole that was allowing the untethered Jail Break.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

iPad 2 Jailbreak is on it's way!!!

That's right! Joshua Hill from the DevTeam Also known as @p0sixninja on Twitter has said that "Since 4.3.1 has already been exploited by @ion1c, we're working on finishing the iPad 2 Jailbreak now"

That's right folks! It is just a matter of time and the jailbreak for the iPad 2 will be released. Most likely as an update to Greenpois0n. So for all those who have been waiting, the wait is almost over!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tic Tac BLAM!! Explosive Take on an Old Classic!

Not too long ago, an acquaintance of mine mentioned that he had just released his first iPhone app. So obviously I just HAD to check it out! And for $.99 I can certainly say I got my monies worth! When I got to the app store and realized it was a Tic Tac Toe clone, I will admit, I was a little less than enthused. However, once I downloaded it, all of that changed!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The iPhone Swirley

Oh NO!!!!! It happens every single day. Someone goes to answer their iPhone while in the bathroom and losses their grip... *SPLOSH* the iPhone lands in some very dirty water. This very scenario just happened to one of my clients. It always is a gut wrenching feeling, watching your shiny new iPhone quickly sink to the bottom of the porcelain bowl, as it still rings, low muffled tones from beneath the murky and questionable water.

So what do you do when this happens?